Views - Calendarforum

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Event template - General views : The event fields to be displayed in the various calendar views can be specified by means of a sequence of numbers.
If a number is specified in the sequence, the corresponding field will be displayed.

Event template - Upcoming view : The event fields to be displayed in the Upcoming Events views can be specified by means of a sequence of numbers.
If a number is specified in the sequence, the corresponding field will be displayed.

Hover box event fields : The event fields to be displayed in the hover box with event details in the various calendar views can be specified by means of a sequence of numbers.
If a number is specified in the sequence, the corresponding field will be displayed.
If no fields are specified at all, no hover box will be displayed.
Meaning of the numbers:
1: Venue field
2: Event category field
3: Description field
4: Extra field 1 (see below)
5: extra field 2 (see below)
6: Email notification data (only if a notification has been requested)
7: Date/time added/edited and the associated user(s).
The order of the numbers determine the order of the displayed fields.

Hover box with event details : If enabled, a box with event details will be displayed when hovering an event in the selected views. The event details will not be displayed if no hover box event fields (see above) have been specified.

Start month in Year view : If a start month has been specified (1 - 12), the calendar will in Year view always start with this month and the year of this first month will only change as of the first day of the same month in the next year.
The value 0 has a special meaning: the start month is based on the current date and will fall in the first row of months.

Columns to show in Year view : Number of months to display in each row in Year view. Recommended choice: 3 or 4.

Rows to show in Year view : Number of rows of four months each to display in Year view. Recommended choice: 4, which gives you 16 months to scroll through.

Weeks to show in Month view : Number of weeks to display in Month view. Recommended choice: 10, which gives you 2.5 months to scroll through.
The values 0 and 1 have a special meaning:
0: display exactly 1 month - blank leading and trailing days.
1: display exactly 1 month - display events on leading and trailing days.
Work week days : Days to be shown in each week in Work Month view and Work Week view. Enter the number of each day that should be visible. Valid day numbers:
1 = Monday
2 = Tuesday ....
7 = Sunday
e.g. 12345 : Monday - Friday

Days to look ahead : Number of days to look ahead for events in the Upcoming Events view, the Todo List and the RSS feeds.

Start hour in Day/Week view : Hour at which a normal day of events starts. E.g., setting this value to 6 will avoid wasting space in Week/Day view for the quiet time between midnight and 6:00. The time picker, used to enter a time, will also start at this hour.

End hour in Day/Week view : Hour at which a normal day of events ends. E.g., setting this value to 18 will avoid wasting space in Week/Day view for the quiet time between 18:00 and midnight. The time picker, used to enter a time, will also end at this hour.

Time slot in Day/Week view : Number of minutes for the time slot in Day/Week view. This value, together with the Start hour and End hour (see above) will determine the number of rows in Day/Week view.

Time slot height : Number of pixels for the time slot in Day/Week view.

Show in month view : Enabled/disable the display in Month view of the following items:
• URLs in one of the event description fields (will be displayed as hyperlink)
• images in one of the event description fields

Month in each day cell : Display in month view the 3-letter month name for each day
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