In this menu ( menu to the left ), You will find my suggestions to, what other programs You could use in connection with the calendar program.
Of course, You could use what program You like.
The programs I mention, are all very good programs and I use them myself.
Also - the programs are all freeware, and they are supported.
Once LuxCal is up and running, you will have no need for other programs - but :
You need a program to unzip files
You need a program to transfer files via FTP.
You need a graphic program if You want to make thumbnails ( clipping and rezising is probably not enough ).
You may need a database tool to explore data.
You may need an external/remote cronjob provider.
You may need a reporting tool, until LuxCal gets a "plugin" for that.
You may need additional software for managing participation to an event, and to manage membership.
You may need a color picking tool, to match the colors in displays with the colors used on Your site