You can select a category by using the >>. You are then presented for a list.
You can search e.g. for DDBU, and then You see only categories with the DDBU in the name. You can then choose "select all" ( selects all searched for ), or You can "pick" one or more categories by CTRL+click, and then choose OK.
You can do the same for user and venue, and You can choose a date interval. By clicking GO, You see a HTMLlist with the selected data. In this list, You can sort each column, and You can even here refine Your search by putting some text in the Search-field. You will see the filtering as You type; You can filter on more than one word at the same time - awesome. You can then print via the browsers print function or You can use the arrow-back and then print as html, print to PDF or export the data to a CSV-file. NB. When exporting to a CSV, the data will be correct stored in an UTF-8 encoded file - when opening directly, Excel will not treat the data as UTF-8.