Displays - Calendarforum

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It is possible to use the calendar for showing events.
It is also possible to use a sidebar to show events.

But the most flexible and sophisticated way to present data from the calendar is using one of the displays.

You could in fact "hide" the calendar for the ordinary user, and only use the display to present data.

An example site can be seen here : http://www.brammingegnsmuseum.dk
( You can shift between display1 and 2 visning1 - visning2 )
The site is in Danish, but the text itself is not important.
Important is the flexibility in setting a display up.

You can see  the LuxCal display1 or the LuxCal display2 in a pop-up

Possible values: A fixed date (yyyy-mm-dd), or one of the keywords DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, optionally followed by an multiplication factor
Examples $fromDate: "2016-10-25", "DAY-2": today - 2 days, "WEEK": start of this week, "MONTH+1": start of next month, "YEAR": start of this year
Examples $tillDate: "2016-12-27",  "DAY+2": today + 2 days, "MONTH": end of this month, "MONTH+1": end of next month, "YEAR": end of this year

calendar to use (between the quotes: specify the ID of the calendar. Blank (""): the default calendar)
sorting on dates; 0: ascending, 1: descending
max. number of days to show; 0: no maximum
max. number of events to show per day; 0: no maximum
show ongoing and future events only (0: no, 1: yes). Note: This setting overrules the "from date" and sets it to "DAY"
$header = "Bramming Egnsmuseum - kalender"; //optional display header. Blank (""): no header
event fields to show (list of numbers: 1: venue, 2: category, 3: description, . . . for more see Settings page - Event templates)
open event report window when event title is clicked (0: no, 1: yes)
show the date under each event (0: no, 1: yes)
show the time under each event (0: no, 1: yes)
for recurring events, show only one (the next) occurrence (0: all, 1: next only)
for multi-day events, show only one (the next) occurrence (0: all, 1: next only)
maximum height of images (in pixels)

events in groups to show (comma separated list of group IDs; 0: all groups)
events of users to show (comma separated list of user IDs; 0: all users)
events in categories to show (comma separated list of cat IDs; 0: all categories)
case-insensitive text string to be present in venue. Blank (""): no filter


Important to know : The displays are 98% independent from the Settings; the displays use only the following settings from the admin's Settings page:
- the timezone
- the default user interface language
- the first day of the week (Sunday or Monday)

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