Manage Database Instructions
On this page the following functions can be selected:
Compact database
When a user deletes an event, the event will be marked as 'deleted', but will not be removed from the database. The Compact Database function will permanently remove events deleted more than 30 days ago from the database and free the space occupied by these events.
Back up database
This function will create a backup of the full calendar database (tables, structure and contents) in .sql format. The backup will be saved in the files/ directory with file name: cal-dump-yyyymmdd-hhmmss.sql (where 'yyyymmdd' = year, month, and day, and hhmmss = hour, minutes and seconds.
The backup file can be used to recreate the calendar database (structure and data), via the restore function described below or by using for instance the phpMyAdmin tool, which is provided by most web hosts.
Restore database
This function will restore the calendar database with the contents of the uploaded backup file (file type .sql).
When restoring the database, ALL CURRENTLY PRESENT DATA WILL BE LOST!
This function will delete or undelete events which are occurring between the specified dates. If a date is left blank, there is no date limit; so if both dates are left blank, ALL EVENTS WILL BE DELETED!
IMPORTANT: When the database is compacted (see above), the events which are permanently removed from the database cannot be undeleted anymore!